Address: 2-6-1 Zempukuji, Suginami-ku, Tokyo

Ever since Tokyo Woman’s Christian University was founded in 1918, its goals have been to provide a liberal arts education for women, promote internationalism and advance Christian principles. In the early 20th century, when sexism greatly limited Japanese women’s opportunities, the university played a significant role in making higher education available to women. Today, as women are taking on more and more responsibilities in society, our traditions are continuously being strengthened and reshaped to meet the needs of the modern world. We have a nationwide reputation for academic quality and for Christian leadership.
Tokyo Woman’s Christian University welcomes students not only from Japan but from other countries as well. Even though most courses are taught in Japanese, classes are small, and many faculty and students are able to speak other languages. Overseas students can soon become acclimated to the intellectual life of the university. We believe that students from different backgrounds and with different attitudes invigorate life on campus and enrich the experience of the whole university community. We therefore are happy to open our doors to intellectually curious women from all over the world.
条件 / Conditions
受け入れ予定人数 Number of scholarships offered | 2(2023年4月から4年間。ただし国際英語学科は除く。) |
提供可能なプログラム Programs offered | ・長期(学位取得)プログラム (学位取得を目指す正規生のみ受け入れます。) 入学するためには、入学試験を受け、合格する必要があります。 ・Long-term (degree) program (Only degree-seeking students will be recruited.) Students must take and pass the regular entrance examination to be admitted to this program. |
対象学生 Eligible students | 学部生(女性のみ) *既卒者は学部1年次入学を希望している方のみ応募可 Undergraduate students (women only) *If you have already graduated from university, you may apply only if you wish to enroll in the first year of the undergraduate program. |
指導言語 Language of instruction | 日本語 Japanese |
専攻 / Majors offered | TBC |
日本語能力に関する要件 Japanese language requirement | 2022年6月にEJUを受験済み、または11月に受験予定であること。出願する専攻によっては、2021年1月以降に受験した英語資格・検定試験の基準を満たしていること。専攻別の指定科目はこちらでご確認ください。 Must have taken EJU in June 2022 or plan to take it in November 2022. Depending on the major of your choice, you may need to have taken an English proficiency test in or after January 2021. Please check the requirements for each major here. |
住居 / Accommodation | 寮を無料で提供 Dormitory provided at no cost |
生活費 / Stipend | あり(月70,000円) Provided (70,000 JPY/month) |
その他の情報 / Other information | 女性のみ受け入れます。(本人のみ寮に入ることができます。) 日本での生活に必要なサポート(生活相談、メンタルケアなど)をします。 東京女子大学キャンパスツアー(コミュニケーション専攻の学生がつくりました)をご覧ください。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYtR9iXL3Ac 東京女子大学の学生からのメッセージです。日本語教育を学んでいる大学院生が制作しました。 https://youtu.be/TdZE21B7RaQ |
If you have questions about the university, please inquire with the university directly.