Address: 1-430-1 Miwa, Mito-shi, Ibaraki

Tokiwa University is a private university located in Mito City, approximately 100km northeast of Tokyo. The city has a long history depicted by the Tokugawa Dynasty and boasts natural surroundings at the heart of Ibaraki Prefecture.
At Tokiwa University, some 3,000 students are currently enrolled at 9 Departments within 3 Faculties; Human Science, Administration and Management, and Nursing. The university offers a wide range of classes that are closely connected to the local community through industry-government-academia collaboration and that deepen students’ understanding of Japanese society and culture from an international perspective.
Although the number of international students on campus is small, the university provides academic and daily life support through “international student buddies,” various international exchange activities organized by students in the International Exchange circle, and opportunities to experience Japanese culture, fostering warm friendships among the students.
Tokiwa University considers the current crisis in Ukraine as a serious violation of human rights and humanity, and has decided to provide students having difficulties continuing their studies in Ukraine with an opportunity to study in Japan. We are preparing to welcome Ukrainian students in close cooperation with the Ibaraki Prefectural Government and the Ibaraki International Association, which are equally keen on offering support for them.
条件 / Conditions
受け入れ予定人数 Number of scholarships offered | 1 |
提供可能なプログラム Programs offered | ・短期(科目等履修生)プログラム(履修対象は学部課程科目のみ) ・長期(学士号取得)プログラム *長期(学位取得)プログラムに入学・編入するためには、通常の入試を受け、合格する必要があります。 ・Short-term (part-time) program(Undergraduate courses only available) ・Long-term (Bachelor’s degree) program *Students must apply through the regular admissions process to be admitted to the long-term (degree) program. *1-year program can be renewed for up to 4 years (until August 2027). If the student is admitted as a degree-seeking student in April 2024, they will be supported for four additional years from then, until March 2028. |
短期プログラム名 Title of short-term program | 科目等履修生(留学履修生)プログラム Part-time Student Program |
短期プログラムの説明 Description of the short-term program | セメスター(6か月)単位で、通常の学部課程の科目に加え、留学生を対象とした「日本語科目」、「日本事情科目」、「日本研究科目」を履修することが可能。単位取得可。科目等履修生として、最長4年間の在籍可能。 |
対象学生 Eligible students | 学部生 Undergraduate |
指導言語 Language of instruction | 日本語 Japanese |
専攻 / Majors offered | 人間科学部(健康栄養学科を除く)・総合政策学部(学部一覧) Faculty of Human Science (Excluding Department of Health and Nutrition )・Faculty of Management and Administration (List of faculties) |
日本語能力に関する要件 Japanese language requirement | JLPT N3以上 学位取得を目指す場合は、JLPT N2以上 JLPT level N3 and higher JPLT level N2 and higher for degree-seeking students |
住居 / Accommodation | 寮を無料で提供 Dormitory provided at no cost |
生活費 / Stipend | あり(月40,000円) *寮併設の食堂で2食(朝・夕)を無償提供 Provided (40,000 JPY/month) *The cafeteria adjacent to the dormitory will provide free breakfast and dinner. |
その他の情報 / Other information | 正規生入試は2024年2月、編入学生入試は2024年3月。いずれも入学は、2024年4月。 To be admitted as a regular (full-time) student from the 1st year, or as a transfer student from the 3rd year in April 2024, the students must take the entrance exam in February/March 2024 |
If you have questions about the university, please inquire with the university directly.