Ryukoku University (2024)

Address: 67 Fukakusa Tsukamotocho, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto

Photo provided by Ryukoku University


龍谷大学は、1639年に西本願寺境内に設けられた教育施設「学寮」を起源とする人文・社会・自然科学領域の9学部1短期大学部を擁する、約2万人の学生が学ぶ総合大学です。世界59か国・205大学と国際交流一般協定、41か国131大学と学生交換協定を結び、毎年約600人の学生が留学を経験します。 龍谷大学発祥の地である大宮キャンパスは、文学部、文学研究科、実践真宗学研究科を擁しており、国の重要文化財に指定される本館などが、今も凛とした佇まいを見せています。また、図書館には、教育・研究のための貴重な史料が数多く保存されています。
京都市伏見区にある深草キャンパスは、文学部(1,2年生)、経済学部、経営学部、法学部、政策学部、国際学部の6学部、短期大学部、大学院5研究科で構成されています。龍谷大学の本部機能のほか、学生の学びを支援する充実した施設が置かれ、本学の中心的キャンパスとなっています。 周辺に豊かな里山が広がる瀬田キャンパスは、先端理工学部、社会学部、農学部の3学部と大学院3研究科で構成されています。地域の人々への学びの場を提供する公開講座や産学連携事業の拠点機能も充実しています。


Ryukoku University originated as the educational institution “Gakuryo” on the grounds of Nishi Hongwanji Temple, and has grown into a comprehensive university educating approximately 20,000 students in the fields of Humanities, Sociology, and Natural Sciences. With a network of partner institutions in 59 countries and regions throughout the world, approximately 600 of our students study abroad each year. We have established General Memorandums of Understanding with a total of 205 universities, and Student Exchange Agreements with 131 universities in 41 countries and regions.

Our Omiya Campus (“Origin Campus”) houses our Faculty of Letters (Third and Fourth Year Students) and the Graduate Schools of Letters and Practical Shin Buddhist Studies. Our new Faculty of Psychology will open in the 2023 Academic Year; Third and Fourth Year classes will be held on Omiya Campus in the future. The Main Hall, a designated Important Cultural Property, to this day maintains its dignified appearance. An abundance of rare documents invaluable for both education and research are stored within the library.

Our Fukakusa Campus houses seven Faculties: Letters (First and Second Year Students), Economics, Business Administration, Law, Policy Science,  International Studies, and our new Faculty of Psychology(1st Year Students from the 2023 Academic Year), as well as a Junior College and five Graduate Schools.

Our Seta Campus, surrounded by nature, houses three Faculties: Advanced Science and Technology, Sociology, and Agriculture, as well as three Graduate Schools. The campus is also utilized for various continuing education programs open to the public and industry-academic cooperation projects.
Ryukoku University is steeped in history and tradition. At the same time, all members are consistently making great strides toward our even greater development, in a combined effort to make our institution one that is “open to the world and reaching to the future”.

条件 / Conditions

Number of students to be admitted

Status of admitted student

Students will be admitted as non-degree-seeking students in the Japanese Culture and Language Program (JCLP).
After being admitted, they will have a chance to take the entrance exam to become degree-seeking students (students. If the student passes the exam, they will be admitted to a degree program.
Description of the program
Japanese Culture and Language Program (JCLP)
Description of the program

The Japanese Culture and Language Program (JCLP) is a one-year (or six-month) program to study Japanese language and culture, and offers a wide range of courses related to the Japanese language and Japanese society. It is an ideal preparatory course for students who wish to enter university or graduate school in Japan.
・Students are evaluated on their Japanese language proficiency every semester and then placed into a suitable Japanese Language class based on their proficiency.
・There are various elective subjects in the afternoon such as Japanese culture, society, etc.
・Students can learn about Kyoto’s traditional culture and entertainment through activities outside the classroom.
・Students have access to all facilities available to regular Ryukoku students, such as the library and IT centers.
・Recommendation for acceptance into the Ryukoku graduate schools, faculties and the Junior College is specially available for students of strong merit in the JCLP program.
Eligible students
– ウクライナの大学に在籍する学部生・大学院生(ウクライナ国外からオンライン受講中の学生や、休学中の学生を含む)
– ウクライナの大学・大学院を卒業または中途退学した者
– 日本の大学の短期プログラムに在籍中の者
– 日本国内の日本語学校に在籍中の者
– 高校を今年卒業または2024年卒業見込みの者
– 26歳以下

– Undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in Ukrainian universities (including those taking a leave of absence or taking courses online from abroad)
– Those who have graduated or dropped out from a Ukrainian university and currently not enrolled in higher education
– Those attending short-term programs in Japanese universities
– Those attending Japanese language schools in Japan
– Those who have graduated from high school in 2023 or will graduate from high school in 2024
– 26 years old or younger
Eligible students’ current residence
Japan, overseas
Language of instruction
学位プログラムに進学した場合の専攻 / Majors offered in degree programs全ての学部・研究科(ただし、入学試験に合格する必要あり)
All faculties (However, students must be admitted by taking the entrance exam)
Japanese language requirement
JLPT level N4 and above
Note: Must have JLPT N2 level to become a degree-seeking student
住居 / Accommodation学外の住居を無料で提供予定
Off-campus housing is planned to be provided at no cost
生活費 / Stipend

学生が生活費を得るための支援として、 『ウクライナへの人道支援募金』で受けた寄付金から支援金の支給を検討、学内アルバイトの紹介、京都市からの生活支度金(30万円)の支給予定。
To assist students with living expenses, the university will introduce them to on-campus jobs and consider using donations to the Ukraine Humanitarian Aid Fund to offset some of their expenses. The university also plans to provide funding offered by Kyoto City (300,000 yen) .
その他の情報 / Other information入学時には留学生別科にて受け入れますが、入学試験を経て学部・大学院に進学可能です。 進学した場合には、入学当初の条件をそのまま適用します(授業料免除・宿舎の無償提供等)。学部・研究科によっては、指導言語は「英語」「両方」で対応可能なケースもあります。
Students will initially be admitted to the JCLP, but will have the opportunity to enter the university or graduate school by taking the entrance exam. If students are admitted, they will receive the same support as in the JCLP (tuition waiver and free accommodation). Some faculties and graduate schools offer instruction in English or in both English and Japanese.