Address: 3-3-3, Ariake, Koto-ku,Tokyo

Musashino university is a comprehensive educational institute with a rich history and wealth of traditions. The school was established in 1924 by Dr. Junjiro Takakusu, a Buddhist scholar and winner of Order of Culture.Musashino university is celebrating its 100th year in 2024. And its brand statement, “Creating Peace & Happiness for the World” is based on the fundamental spirit of Buddhism.
There are 12 faculties, 20 departments and 29 graduate programs.
We have two campuses. Ariake Campus, which was built in 2012 in Ariake situated along the Tokyo Bay waterfront providing an enticing educational environment in a seaside locale and Musashino Campus, a verdant campus located in Nishi-Tokyo city. Also, both campuses are very easy to access from center of Tokyo.
条件 / Conditions
受け入れ予定人数 Number of scholarships offered | 2 |
提供可能なプログラム Programs offered | ・短期(予備教育)プログラム ・長期(学位取得)プログラム *長期(学位取得)プログラムに入学・編入するためには、通常の入試を受け、合格する必要があります。 ・Short-term (preparatory) program ・Long-term (degree) program *Students must apply through the regular admissions process to be admitted to the long-term (degree) program. |
短期プログラム名 Title of short-term program | 非正規生(ランゲージセンター受講生) Language Center Student |
短期プログラムの説明 Description of the short-term program | 本学ランゲージセンターで半年~1年、交換留学生とともに日本語学習をしながら、本学へ正科生としての入学を目指します。レベル別にクラス分けがされており、日本語、日本研究、日本語コミュニケーション、漢字などの科目が受講できます。 Students will study Japanese with exchange students at the Language Center for six months to one year, with the aim of enrolling as a regular student at Musashino University. Classes are divided by level, and students can take courses in Japanese language, Japanese studies, Japanese communication, Kanji, and other subjects. |
対象学生 Eligible students | 学部生、大学院生 Undergraduate and graduate students |
指導言語 Language of instruction | 日英両語 Japanese and English |
専攻 / Majors offered | 日本語(Japanese):https://www.musashino-u.ac.jp/academics/faculty 英語(English):https://www.musashino-u.ac.jp/en/academics/ ※グローバルビジネス学科については、授業は全て英語で提供されます(英語の語学要件あり)。 ※The Department of Global Business offers lectures all taught in English(Need to meet language requirements) |
日本語能力に関する要件 Japanese language requirement | JLPT N2相当 JLPT level N2 or equivalent |
住居 / Accommodation | 寮を無料で提供 Dormitory provided at no cost |
生活費 / Stipend | あり(月70,000円) Provided (70,000 JPY/month) |
その他の情報 / Other information | 正規生の入試は2回行われます。①入試:2022年11~2023年3月頃、入学時期:2023年4月 ②入試:2023年6月~2023年8月頃、入学時期:2023年9月 There will be two examinations for the admission of degree-seeking students. Entrance examinations: ① November 2022 to March 2023, admission period: April 2023 ②Entrance examinations: June 2023 to August 2023, enrollment period: September 2023 |
If you have questions about the university, please inquire with the university directly.