Keio University

Address: 2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo

Photo provided by Keio University




Keio University, Japan’s first modern institution of higher learning, celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2008. We take pride in the fact that Keio has, from its earliest days, helped to lead Japanese society through innovations in both research and education. Since the school’s inception, Keio students and graduates have risen to the forefront of innovation in every imaginable academic field, many emerging as social and economic leaders.
Today, Keio University is among Japan’s leading universities with approximately 33,000 students, including more than 1,900 international students from all over the world. With 10 undergraduate faculties and 14 graduate schools, as well as the Japanese Language Program at the Center of Japanese Studies, we continue to place great emphasis on maintaining the finest teaching faculty and superlative facilities. Building on the knowledge and experience of their predecessors, the Keio students of today continue to develop leadership qualities that will enable them to make valuable contributions to society.

条件 / Conditions

Number of scholarships offered
Programs offered
・Short-term (preparatory) program
・Long-term (degree) program
*Students must apply through the regular admissions process to be admitted to the long-term (degree) program.
Title of short-term program
プログラム名称:「ウクライナ避難学生学びの継続支援特別プログラム」 学生身分:訪問留学生
Educational Aid Initiative for Displaced Students from Ukraine
Student Status: Visiting International Student
Description of the short-term program
Period: 6 months or up to 1 year
Types of classes offered: The courses will differ depending on the graduate schools. Please contact for further details. Japanese language courses available.
Eligible students
Those who wish to enroll at one of Keio University’s graduate schools (who already hold at least a BA).
Language of instruction
入学直後に集中的に実施される必修科目は、4 月入学の場合は日本語、9 月入学の場合は英語で実施。4 月入学者は日本語による授業を、9 月入学者は英語による授業を受講する語学力が入学時に必要。4月入学希望者は「日本語能力に関する要件」の項を参照。9 月入学希望者で、英語を母語としない者は、語学能力試 験(TOEFL、IELTS など)の結果(スコア)を提出。ただし、英語による授業のみで学位が取得できる大学等を修了もしくは修了予定の場合は提出不要。

[Graduate School of Science and Technology]

[Graduate School of Media and Governance]
Both languages

[Graduate School of System Design and Management]
Both languages

[Graduate School of Media Design]
April admission: Japanese
Applicants who wish to enroll in April and whose native language is not Japanese must submit either an original or a copy of a certificate verifying that they have attained the N1 Level on the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). Exceptions may be made for applicants who have completed or are expected to complete formal higher education entirely in the Japanese language.

September Admission: English
Applicants who wish to enroll in September and whose native language is not English must submit either originals or photocopies of the results of language proficiency examinations such as TOEFL or IELTS.
Exceptions may be made for applicants who have completed or are expected to complete formal higher education entirely in the English language.
専攻 / Majors offered【理工学研究科】
IGP (International Graduate Programs on Advanced Science and Technology)に設定されている3つのコース
・School of Fundamental Science and Technology
・School of Integrated Design Engineering
・School of Science for Open and Environmental Systems


[Graduate School of Science and Technology]
(International Graduate Programs on Advanced Science and Technology)
・School of Fundamental Science and Technology
・School of Integrated Design Engineering
・School of Science for Open and Environmental Systems

[Graduate School of Media and Governance]
・Global Governance and Regional Strategy (GR)
・Human Security and Communications (HC)
・Policy Making and Social Innovation (PS)
・Cognition, Sense-Making and Biophysical Skills (CB)
・Environmental Design and Governance (EG)
・X-Design (XD)
・Cyber Informatics (CI)
・Systems Biology (BI)

[Graduate School of System Design and Management]
Discipline: Education and research to define issues of societies, creatively design the solutions in collaboration with stakeholders based on systems thinking, and steadily and continuously manage them (environmental symbiosis, safety and security, human-centered design, international cooperation, crisis management).

[Graduate School of Media Design]
Discipline: Research to produce innovative “things” combining design and technology (i.,e. next-generation product such as IoT and robot, next-generation content / service, design futures, and city design)
Japanese language requirement

[Graduate School of Science and Technology]
Can accept students with no prior Japanese language education

[Graduate School of Media and Governance]
Can accept students with no prior Japanese language education

[Graduate School of System Design and Management]
Can accept students with no prior Japanese language education

[Graduate School of Media Design]
Applicants who wish to enroll in April and whose native language is not Japanese must submit either an original or a copy of a certificate verifying that they have attained the N1 Level on the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). Exceptions may be made for applicants who have completed or are expected to complete formal higher education entirely in the Japanese language.
住居 / Accommodation寮または住宅を無料で提供
Dormitory or residence provided at no cost
生活費 / Stipendあり(月100,000円)
Provided (100,000 JPY/month)
その他の情報 / Other information原則として、本塾研究科への入学希望のある学生を対象としています。半年から1年の準備期間に入試に合格し修士課程に入学、学位を取得することを前提としています。

This program is for students who wish to enter the graduate school at Keio University. Students will have 6 months to 1 year to prepare for the regular admissions process and pass the entrance examination to be admitted to the Master’s program (Doctoral program is also available for Graduate School of Science and Technology).

The campus will differ with each graduate schools, Please refer to the link below:
Graduate School of Science and Technology: Yagami Campus (Yokohama-city Kanagawa prefecture)
Graduate School of Media and Governance: Shonan Fujisawa Campus (Fujisawa-city Kanagawa prefecture)
Graduate School of System Design and Management/Graduate School of Media Design: Hiyoshi Campus (Yokohama-city Kanagawa prefecture)

If you have questions about the university, please inquire with the university directly.