Address: 4-5-3 Ryokuen, Izumi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa
フェリス女学院は、キリスト教の宣教師により1870年に創立された、日本で最初の近代的女子教育機関であり、モットーは”For Others”です。
Ferris Jogakuin, founded in 1870 by Christian missionaries, was the first modern educational institution for women in Japan, and its motto is “For Others.
Ferris University, that only accepts women, has three faculties: the Faculty of Letters, the Faculty of Global and Inter-Cultural Studies, and the Faculty of Music.
The Department of Japanese Language and Literature in the Faculty of Letters offers classes not only in modern and contemporary Japanese literature, but also in classical literature such as “The Tale of Genji” and “waka” poetry, classes on classical performing arts such as “kabuki”, and classes on pop culture such as manga and anime from a literary perspective.
In the Department of Communication Studies in the Faculty of Letters, students can also study themes of expression in various media such as social networking and television.
In addition, the Music Department offers classes on digital media expression, video and music expression, sound design, as well as musicals and other stage productions.
Ferris University accepts about 40 international students each year, including degree-seeking students and exchange students from partner universities, and provides various opportunities for international exchange on the campus.
条件 / Conditions
受け入れ予定人数 Number of scholarships offered | 2 (女性のみ / Women only) |
提供可能なプログラム Programs offered | ・短期(予備教育)プログラム ・長期(学位取得)プログラム *長期(学位取得)プログラムに入学・編入するためには、通常の入試を受け、合格する必要があります。 ・Short-term (preparatory) program ・Long-term (degree-seeking) program *Students must apply through the regular admissions process to be admitted to the long-term (degree-seeking) program. |
短期プログラム名 Title of short-term program | 科目等履修生 |
短期プログラムの説明 Description of the short-term program | 2023年度前期、外国⼈留学⽣対象科⽬(⽇本語、⽇本事情)、その他の科⽬の履修については、科⽬等履修⽣を受け⼊れている科⽬を対象とし、希望により⽇本語能⼒に応じて判断する。単位取得可。 |
対象学生 Eligible students | 学部生及び大学院生(既卒者も応募可) Undergraduate and graduate students (Recent graduates may also apply.) |
指導言語 Language of instruction | 日英両語 Japanese and English |
専攻 / Majors offered | ⽂学部、国際交流学部、⾳楽学部、⼈⽂科学研究科、国際交流研究科、⾳楽研究科 https://www.ferris.ac.jp/information/basic-information/ |
日本語能力に関する要件 Japanese language requirement | 非正規生はJLPT N4相当以上 正規生はJLPT N1/EJU 250以上 Non-degree-seeking students: JLPT level N4 and above Degree-seeking students: JLPT level N1 and above AND EJU 250 and above |
住居 / Accommodation | 学外の住居を無料で提供 Off-campus housing provided at no cost |
生活費 / Stipend | あり(月80,000円) Provided (80,000 JPY/month) |
その他の情報 / Other information | 寮は学外の⺠間学⽣会館を予定。希望により⾷事の提供あり(ただし、実費負担)。 |
If you have questions about the university, please inquire with the university directly.