Address: 1-19-1 Mukogaoka, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo

Our history at Bunkyo Gakuin University traces back to 1924, when our founder, Shimada Ishiko, established Hongo Women’s Academy with the aim of “providing women with the skills to become independent.” Upholding that core philosophy, the institution has since evolved with the changing times by expanding its scope from women to “people” and shaping its present-day focus around the concepts of independence and coexistence. That foundation now forms the basis of our educational activities, sustaining the active, inquisitive learning on which we pride ourselves. Our institutional structure has changed several times over the last 95 years, with the opening of Bunkyo Women’s College in 1964, the establishment of the Faculty of Business Administration–the first such faculty at a Japanese women’s university–in 1991, and the renaming of the school to Bunkyo Gakuin University in April 2002. Bunkyo Gakuin University is home to approximately 5,000 students, who study in four faculties and five graduate schools at the Hongo Campus in Tokyo and the Fujimino Campus in nearby Saitama Prefecture. The academic organization comprises the Faculty of Foreign Studies, Faculty of Business Administration, Faculty of Human Studies, and Faculty of Health Science Technology, which provide undergraduate education in a total of ten different departments. The Bunkyo Gakuin University Graduate School, meanwhile, features master’s programs in five fields of study.
条件 / Conditions
受け入れ予定人数 Number of scholarships offered | 2 (女性のみ。Women only) |
提供可能なプログラム Programs offered | ・短期(予備教育)プログラム ・長期(学位取得)プログラム *長期(学位取得)プログラムに入学・編入するためには、通常の入試を受け、合格する必要があります。 ・Short-term (preparatory) program ・Long-term (degree) program *Students must apply through the regular admissions process to be admitted to the long-term (degree) program. |
短期プログラム名 Title of short-term program | 短期集中日本語習得プログラム (学部聴講生/科目等履修生 ) |
短期プログラムの説明 Description of the short-term program | オンラインを活用した短期集中型の日本語習得プログラム。短期間で効果的に日本語能力を高め、大学での授業受講を可能とする日本語能力検定N1レベルを目指します。プログラム実施期間は最長で2年間。日本語の授業をとりながらも、学部の授業を聴講生あるいは科目等履修生として履修が可能(聴講生については単位付与はありませんが、科目等履修性には単位が付与されます) |
対象学生 Eligible students | 学部生、大学院生(既卒者も応募可) Undergraduate and graduate students (Recent graduates may also apply.) |
指導言語 Language of instruction | 日本語 Japanese |
専攻 / Majors offered | 外国語学部/経営学部/人間学部(コミュニケーション社会学科、心理学科、人間福祉学科福祉マネジメントコース)ならびに外国語学研究科/経営学研究科/人間学研究科 |
日本語能力に関する要件 Japanese language requirement | 非正規生:なし 正規生:JLPT N2相当以上 Non-degree-seeking students: no requirement Degree-seeking students: JLPT N2 level |
住居 / Accommodation | 寮を無料で提供 Dormitory provided at no cost |
生活費 / Stipend | あり(月70,000円) Provided (70,000 JPY/month) |
その他の情報 / Other information | 女性のみ入寮可能 |
If you have questions about the university, please inquire with the university directly.