Daito Bunka University(2024)

Address: 560 Iwadono, Higashi-Matsuyama-shi, 355-8501 Saitama

Photo provided by Daito Bunka University




Daito Bunka University will celebrate its centenary in 2023. It boasts an unrivalled tradition in the fields of Chinese studies, calligraphy and Japanese literature. Today, the university has eight faculties (consisting of 20 departments) and seven graduate schools (covering 15 academic fields), including the human and social sciences as well as sports and health sciences. There are approximately 11400 undergraduate students and 130 postgraduate students. Of these, 370 are international students. The preparatory program for international students and classes for first and second-year undergraduates is offered at the Higashi-Matsuyama Campus in Saitama Prefecture. The large campus surrounded by lush, green nature, is located approximately one hour by train from central Tokyo. Except for the Faculty of International Relations and the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, third- and fourth-year undergraduate students and postgraduate students study at the Itabashi Campus. The Itabashi campus is located in north-west Tokyo.

条件 / Conditions

Number of students to be admitted
Status of admitted student

The student will be admitted as a non-degree-seeking student.
After being admitted, the student will have a chance to take the entrance exam for international students. If the student passes the exam, they will be admitted to a degree program.
Description of the program
大東文化大学(だいとうぶんかだいがく)では、ウクライナの大学生に、日本語(週12時間)+英語による日本文化(にほんぶんか)に関(かん)する科目(週3時間)からなるプログラムを提供(ていきょう)します。来日時の日本語レベルにより、このプログラムを半年、または1年半、もしくは2年半受講(じゅこう)した後に留学生入試(りゅうがくせいにゅうし)を受けていただき、合格(ごうかく)すれば正規留学生(せいきりゅうがくせい)となります(留学生入試の受験資格はJLPT N2またはEJU 220 以上)。卒業するまで授業料(じゅぎょうりょう)はすべて免除(めんじょ)されます。

Daito Bunka University will offer Ukrainian university students a program consisting of Japanese language courses (12 hours/week) and Japanese culture classes instructed in English (3 hours/week).
After six months, one-and-a-half-years, or two-and-a-half years of this program, students have the option are required to take the entrance examination for international students (November or February) and if they pass it, they may become a full-time undergraduate or graduate international student. (Application qualifications for international student entrance examinations are JLPT N2 or EJU 220 or above). Their tuition fees are exempt in full until they complete their studies at Daito Bunka University.
Eligible students
– ウクライナの大学に在籍する学部生・大学院生(ウクライナ国外からオンライン受講中の学生や、休学中の学生を含む)
– ウクライナの大学・大学院を卒業または中途退学した者
– 日本の大学の短期プログラムに在籍中の者
– 日本国内の日本語学校に在籍中の者
– 高校を今年卒業または2024年卒業見込みの者
– 年齢制限なし

– Undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in Ukrainian universities (including those taking a leave of absence or taking courses online from abroad)
– Those who have graduated or dropped out from a Ukrainian university and currently not enrolled in higher education
– Those attending short-term programs in Japanese universities
– Those attending Japanese language schools in Japan
– Those who have graduated from high school in 2023 or will graduate from high school in 2024
– No age limit
Eligible students’ current residence

Japan, overseas
Language of instruction

学位プログラムに進学した場合の専攻 / Majors offered in degree programsこちらをご覧ください。

Click here
Japanese language requirement

JLPT N3 equivalent for non-degree-seeking students 
Note: Must have JLPT N2+ to become a degree-seeking student
住居 /

Dormitory or off-campus housing provided at a cost
生活費 / Stipendあり(月140,000円)*住居費60,000円は生活費から支払う

Provided (140,000 JPY/month) *The student is expected to pay 60,000 yen for accommodation from this stipend.
その他の情報 / Other information2024年11月または2025年2月の入試に合格すれば、2025年4月に長期(学位取得)プログラムへの入学・編入が可能。

Enrollment in the long-term degree program in April 2025 is possible if students pass the entrance exam in November 2024 or February 2025.

If you have questions about the university, please inquire with th