The information below is current at the time of the call for applications in 2022. The next call for application from both outside and inside of Japan, for admission in 2024, will be open after August 2023.
Japan Ukraine Language School Pathways is a program for admitting students who have fled Ukraine due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine to language schools in Japan. Please read the eligibility requirements and application guidelines below before applying. We are calling for applications for a second round from July 7th Thu to 24th Sun. Those who already reside in Japan can also apply but commuting to any of our partner school will be required. Please refer to this site for more details.
Program Overview
Accepted students will be placed in one of the Japanese language schools across Japan. (Information on host institutions are provided below.) The students will be invited to complete a program of one and a half to two years to study Japanese intensively.
The program will provide the following:
- Airfare to Japan
- Tuition
- Support for visa issuance and residence permit
- Introduction of part-time job opportunities and housing
Students will be able to work part-time and will support themselves. Housing will be prepared, but the student will be responsible for paying rent with the income from part-time work.
After completion of the program, students are expected to apply to universities/graduate schools or find employment.
- Must have graduated from high school (Some schools require that candidates have graduated from university)
- Ukrainian nationals or foreign nationals in/from Ukraine who are unable to return to their home countries
- Applicants inside and outside of Ukraine are eligible. If outside Ukraine, must have left Ukraine after February, 2022.
- Must have studied/be studying Japanese OR have relatives who reside in Japan
- Age limit for applicants with Japanese proficiency (JLPT N4 or higher): 28 for high school graduates, 35 for university graduates
- Age limit for applicants without Japanese proficiency: 26 for high school graduates, 33 for university graduates
- Students who are married and/or have children may apply.
How to Apply
We are calling for applications from July 7th Thu and the closing date is 24th Sun (12:00 midnight Ukrainian time). Click “Apply Now” below and upload your application documents via our application form.
Call for Applications: Jul 7 Thu – 31 Sun (Extended)
Screening: July 18 Mon – Aug 7 Sun
Interviews: July 27 – Aug 17 Wed
Admission :Late Aug – Sep
Partner Language Schools
東東京明生日本語学院 / Tokyo Meisei Japanese Language Academy (Tokyo)
オンリーワン日本語学校(千葉)/Only One Japanese Language School(Chiba)
東京国際外語学院(東京都)/Tokyo International language Academy (Tokyo)
東京工学院日本語学校(東京都)/Tokyo Kogakuin Japanese Language School(Tokyo)
京進ランゲージアカデミー 東京校(東京都)/Kyoshin Language Academy(Tokyo School)(Tokyo)
ABK学館日本語学校(東京都)/ABK College(Tokyo)
国際ことば学院日本語学校(静岡県)/ Kokusai Kotoba Gakuin Japanese Language Institute (Shizuoka)
オイスカ開発教育専門学校(静岡県) /OISCA College for Global Cooperation (Shizuoka)
ループインターナショナル日本語学校(大阪府)/Loop International Japanese Language School(Osaka)
創智国際学院(兵庫県)/Sochi International Academy(Hyogo)
AMA日本カレッジ(兵庫県)/AMA Japan College(Hyogo)
はなまる日本語学校 島根校(島根県)/ Hanamaru Japanese Language School (Shimane)
鹿児島キャリアデザイン専門学校(鹿児島県)/ Kagoshima Career Design College (Kagoshima)