Request to the Government to accept Afghans seeking evacuation_update 2021/09/16


The number of supporting organisations and supporters for the request submitted to the Government on Thursday 9 September has continued to increase, with 82 supporting organisations and 739 supporters as of 14 September. The number of endorsements from universities includes Kobe Institute of Information Science and Technology and Shimane University, as well as a large number of researchers, mainly those who have been involved in accepting international students in the past. We have also received support from 10 companies, including Rush Japan G.K., as well as from the legal profession, and from foundations, NGOs and NPOs, including regional network NGOs and many other organisations active in Japan and abroad.

The list of endorsing organisations is available as of 14 September.

On Tuesday 14 September, an online press conference was held by the four founding organisations and supporters Professor Keiko Sakai and Professor Reiko Ogawa of Chiba University.

NGOs that continue to provide humanitarian assistance in Afghanistan reported that humanitarian needs in Afghanistan are increasing and that local staff and partner organisations are resuming their activities, while some local staff and their families need to be evacuated individually.

In addition, two university faculty members reported that many former international students have returned to Afghanistan and are now working in important government and university positions and need to evacuate with their families, and that each university is prepared to accept a certain number of them. The Japanese Afghan community has also requested cooperation in evacuating their families and relatives.

Following this press conference, the following and other national media outlets have picked up the story.

The following releases were confirmed to be on the web as of 15 September by PJ.
▼NHK News
Japanese NGO appeals for support for the evacuation of Afghans and others with the cooperation of private organisations.

▼Asahi Shimbun Digital
Local Afghan staff ‘cannot leave their wives and children behind’ NGO appeals for improvement.

▼Chunichi Shimbun
NGOs call on government to be ready to receive Afghan evacuees

On 15 September, Representative Director Orii also contributed an article to Ronza.
Public-private cooperation to accept refugees – What can Japan do for Afghanistan in humanitarian crisis?

We will continue to report on the current status of reception by civil society and progress since the submission of the request to the government on the PJ website and social networking sites. We hope you will follow us.